Beautiful white capped terrain for cross country skiing

Our Upcoming XC Ski Season…

There is an expression, “May you live in interesting times.” We have been unable to find an origin for that phrase, but, clearly, these are interesting times.

The Executive Board is in the process of coming up with a Ski Calendar for the 2020-2021 ski season that is safe and makes sense.  As we are all aware there are many unknowns at this time, everything is evolving and changing, and each person has his or her own level of comfort with COVID-19 guidelines.  With all this in mind, we plan to present to the membership a comprehensive Ski Calendar, which of course will be subject to change, as State and Federal guidance changes.  For updates, please visit our website “” which will have times and dates of club meetings and trips listed on the calendar (plus newsletters, photos, etc.). 

Our goal is to provide a fun and safe Cross Country ski season for those who chose to partake.  Options may be available for week and weekend away trips, and ad hoc/spontaneous day trips and local skiing.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Bruce Redlien or Ronnie Levy, via the LICCSC website. For questions about our trips contact the specific trip leader.  Also understand that this year, nothing is set in stone and things may change as we get closer to the ski season.  

Please note that our monthly meetings will be held on the third Thursday of the month (November – March) via Zoom format.  We are hoping to provide interesting and informative meetings for all to safely attend and enjoy from the comfort of your home. Our first club meeting for the season will be via ZOOM on Thursday, November 19 from 7-9pm. We will send out a link to the ZOOM meeting to all club members prior to the meeting.

Meanwhile, stay safe, stay healthy and let’s hope for lots of snow this year!

Bruce Redlien and Ronnie Levy, LICCSC Co-Presidents